Sunday, May 9, 2010

Another idea for Gaga

This one another design from roleplaying.  One of my roleplaying buddies, that alot of times women wear armored bikini's.  Well if Gaga wear's it then people won't think it's suck a bad idea.

Another idea for Lady Gaga

Two outfits are not enough.  So we have the third ensemble. 

Ideas For Gaga

I think Lady Gaga needs a new look.  So I took the liberty of coming up with some.  So here are my ideas, though I don't feel they do her justice.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Now I think if someone is going to call themselves, SpaceCowboy, they ought to dress the part.  Space brings to mind some futuristic stuff.  Whereas cowboy brings to mind someone from the old west.

For example, perhaps he should wear a ten gallon hat.  Or some other cowboy clothing.  For example, some things to protect his pants.  Perhaps a outfit made out of some futuristic fabrics.

Though personally, I don' think Lady Gaga needs another DJ, or mixing.  If it ain't broke don't fix it.  So why change things up.  Unless I am mistaken and they are no longer working together for some reason.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Virtue of Lady Gaga

How hard is to find a good woman,
How much more is her value above jewels,
One would find a woman with the Virtue of Lady Gaga,
For she does charitable deeds,
She is kind to the downtrodden,
Her strength is her work ethic,
One could search many years and never find one to match her virtue,

Monday, May 3, 2010

Gospel Video

Lady Gaga singing gospel?  Perhaps she could sing about the how the hypritical behavior of the church leaders.  For example, when the church leaders have get caught going to whore houses.

For most people, religion is about sex and stress relief.  Well, sex is something Lady Gaga sing alot about.  So it would fit right in with her other stuff.  It would also send a message.  Lady Gaga grew up in the Catholic Church.  So perhaps she knows what I'm taking about.


Gaga Lighting Bolts

Personally, I think Lady Gaga should Trademark her lighting bolts.  But that's just me, I'm not a copyright attorney.  Though she uses them a lot perhaps she could come up with an unique design.

One thing with fashion, is now I'm not very big on clothes.  If I could, I would walk around naked all day, it would save on laundry and buying new clothes.  However, some people have public these pesky public indecency laws so I pretty much have to wear them in public.

However, Lady Gaga is a performer.  She has a reason to buy expensive clothes as she uses them and designer outfits as she uses them in her performances and public appearances.  Though she does buy "Vintage" clothing.  This is different then fashion for fashion sake.  Though I like her cat suits as I do her hats.  Personally, I think everyone should wear hats.  It would give people sun protection.  

This is quite a contrast how I choose clothes.  For example, I choose red wings boots, not because they are fashionable but because I do alot of walking in winter through snow.  Tennis shoes just don't cut it as would cotton socks.  Personally, I like clothes that are rugged.  I guess this is my personal expression.        

Sick of Hyprocasy

So you may be wondering, Earthpaladin, why do you like Lady Gaga?  It's very simple really.  She's real.  She honest honest.

Most of my life I have attended church.  Personally, I think the church has lost it's way.  They have forgotten what's really important PEOPLE.  Also I'm sick of the hyprocritical behavior.

What do I mean by this?  For one thing, if a person says they are a Christian but doesn't keep the tenants of it how they call themselves a christian.  Better unbelievers, atleast they dont' soil the name of Christ.  That's the church's problem today.

What's the point of saying a woman is a Christian when she doesn't uphold the scriptures.  Alot of woman SAY they are christians but do they show the LOVE of christ?  Or do they just show up then leave christ at the door of the church?

This is why I like Lady Gaga.  She does alot for other people.  For instance when one of her fans was trampled she had her brought to her dressing room.  This is something that is sorely missed in todays' society.

She has had sexual relations with alot of guys, and women.  But guess what?  Alot of Christian woman have done the same thing.   

Awareness Videos

Perhaps it would be good publicity for Lady Gaga to do music videos to raise awareness on certain issues.  For example, a music video cranes at the International Crane Foundation.  It would raise awareness about endangered species of animals.

Or perhaps should could do a video about Big Cats at the Wisconsin Big Cats Rescue.  This could help raise awareness of there status.  Also it could help raise funds for them.

Or perhaps a music video of the Shaolin Temple in New York.  This could help raise money for their building campaign to build a temple in New York.  It would get a lot of publicity for her.

One thing I think it would be good for her to have her own dance company.  They could be the dancers for her shows and videos.  This way she wouldn't have to hire out other dancers.  

This is how it's going to be

As I watch the "making of the Bad Romance".  It reminds me of a Shiya Twain video.  It was a futuristic video where she pursues a man.  Now this is how it's going to be.

Personally, this might be an idea for another video.  She could write a video about hunting down a man she wants to have.  One this is if a woman like Lady Gaga wants to have a man, she is going to have him.  She could be hacking into the network and using spy gadget to monitor him.  Another thought, is she could talk about love in it. The difference between infatuation and love as alot of people get it confused.

Though I think the world needs more loving,
It a resource that the world is never lacking,
So you might not want to be slacking,

What Lady Gaga needs

Personally, I think she should give up smoking like I need to give up soft drinks.  If she wants to keep putting on shows smoking won't help matters.  Though I've heard it's harder to give of soft drinks then smoking.  So might need tough as nails guy to help her with this.

A healthier lifestyle would help her keep putting on shows.  For example, juicing might be better then drinking alcohal as alcohal is a cousin to furniture lacquer.  Though soda is similiar too.  

Though she already has a manager.  They seems to be doing a good job.  She doesn't need another one.  But she might need a personal assistant to do things for her.  For example, getting things ready for her shows.

One thing though is I don't think that her business partners should get a piece of her income.  They ought to divide the revenues from the business.  Each should be seperate not mixed together.

Another thing is when two celebrities get married it's like two kids in a candy store.  She needs someone who is behind the scenes.  For example, you get two flames together, one blocks out the other.  However you get a flame and the mirror, and the mirror reflects the light from the flame making it shine brighter. 

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fantasy Video

Personally, I think Gaga should do a fantasy music video with her "Disco Stick".  For example, she could be a magic user and cast fireballs from in in the video while she's dancing.  Perhaps fight a huge dragon or other monsters.

Another thing is that perhaps while she might not come out with her own "line" she could license her clothes from he shows to another company.  If stuff is specially produced for her, they might as well merchandise it.  Afterall merchandising, merchandising, merchandising.

For example, one of my cousins worked for a company selling costumes for skaters.  Perhaps she could license some of her designs to dance clubs.  This could be a secondary market for her cloths.  Also she could have her company handle this.

Another thing too is perhaps she should make another boyfriend and make more money with him then her last one.  I can't say what happened between them as I don't know the circumstances.  Perhaps she can do better then him.

Superheroine video

One thing is that Lady Gaga's audience were all the "bad" kids in school.  Well I wasn't a "bad" kid but I wasn't one of the popular kids either.  I was in the highschool band.  I liked playing chess.  That didn't exactly make me popular.  So I guess I would fit in with her "little monsters."

Another thing too is perhaps she could shoot a song about her being a "heroine."  For example, like spiderman and Pussycat.  However, those are copyrighted properties.  She would just need a mask.

It could be like a comic book feel.  Where it shows a picture, then it has motion.  For example, Lady Gaga goes to the rescue of a charity.  

Disco Stick

Perhaps Lady Gaga could use her disco stick to send morse code messages during her shows.  One thing this may be good for is telling the DG or sound tech what to do.  Perhaps she could use some help finding tech for her shows.  For example, when you go to a movie theater you may hear the THX sound.  That is actually a mathmatical formula.  Perhaps Lady Gaga could have her own formula.  One of her engineers may be able to help in this as math is not my specialty.

Another thing is that, I say that Lady Gaga's ex-lover and business partner has filed a lawsuit against her.  She has filed a counter lawsuit.  The best thing for her would find someone else and forget all about that guy.  Now, I don't know what actually happened between them.  So it's not really my place to say anything about what happened.  But it might be best if when she finds another boyfriend to have separate interests.  If she did sign anything, have her lawyers look at it first.  He may be involved with her shows, but it might be good for him to take interests  in other things outside of them.  Though this reminds me of something, of a discussion I had in accounting class.  The people stay friends and business partners are people who go to the lawyers.  The guys that go out and say "hey let's start a business," without any planning are the people who end up worst enemies.


PapaRATzi online

Perhaps there ought to be a site that talks about PapaRATzi.  Afterall, if they are going around making other people's personal lives public news shouldn't there's be public as well?  Perhaps, Lady Gaga could get other stars to subscribe to this, they might enjoy reading it.

For one thing it would be a taste of the Paparatzi's own medicine.  Now someone in the public spotlight, they got to expect a certain amount of scrutiny.  However, does everyone really need to know about the personal details of actors, models, etc?

For example, I've heard of Paparatzi climbing into celebrities homes.  Now, come here, doesn't a person have the right to privacy in their own home?  Come now, would your really want people coming into your home?  What does this say about our society?

I'm not saying these celebrities aren't good at what they do, or shouldn't be in the news.  But some of this I think was overdone.  For example, when Michael Jackson died, the media ran days on end about the story.  It's practically all you heard about.  What about the real heroes like the people giving there lives in Afghanistan or Iraq?  Personally, I would like to hear more about those people then Micheal Jackson.

One time, I was talking with a young lady on this subject and she said, "They lead more interesting lives."  Well curiosity is one thing.  Go follow them on myspace, read there books, etc.  But everyone deserves to be treated like a human being.  Personally, I wonder if all this attention doesn't cause problems.

For example, I saw a link about young stars of Nickelodan.  Now only a few of them have grown up into functional members of society.  Personally, I wonder if all this attention hasn't had an effect on them.  It's one thing when they are adults but it's another when they kids.

Lady Gaga owning a medical research company?

Aside from recording music, Lady Gaga has contributed to a number of charities and causes throughout her career. In the wake of the 2010 Haiti earthquake there were numerous celebrities working together for the cause of helping restore what had been destroyed, and also helping those left to survive. Gaga donated all of her proceeds from the January 24 show of her current tour, the Monster Ball (ticket sales, merchandise, etc.), and from her online store; the total amount donated was over $500,000.[96] She has also worked to raise awareness among young women about the risk of HIV/AIDS. Along with recording artist Cyndi Lauper, Gaga teamed up with MAC AIDS Fund's VIVA Glam campaign, which raised over $160 million to fight against AIDS and HIV, and bring awareness about the diseases to women around the world.[97] All proceeds from a purchase of a VIVA Glam lipgloss or lipstick go directly towards the fund to aid those infected with the disease.[98] In a statement, Gaga said that, "We want women to feel strong and feel strong enough that they can remember to protect themselves. To have this lipstick as a reminder in your purse, that when your man is laying naked in bed, you go into the bathroom, you put your lipstick on, and you bring a condom out with you...There are no exceptions."[99]
Yeah, I know it's out there.  But when she can raise 160 million dollars, perhaps she should start her own medical research company.  Then she do alot more good.  For instance, I know some of the companies are focusing on cures for diseases that are relatively minor.  Now I'm not saying it's not important to run cost-benefit analysis.  However, it might be better for finding cures for diseases that already exist

I've also done a 180 on sexual transmitted diseases.  See I used to think that Sexually Transmitted diseases were something you only got when you were sexually active.  However after working at the Wilderness and getting one, I've found out that it's possible to get them without being sexually active.  Also these diseases do mutate into different forms.  

One thing with Wisconsin is that it is a has a lot of biomedical companies founded in Wisconsin.  Part of that has to do with the UW-Madison in that it provides an educated workforce.  For example she could raise 150 million and start Gaga Research Industries.

The company could for example, work with text eagle.  I know that Text Eagle is looking to do drug trials.  For one thing, these drugs are alot more expensive in africa, so if people could do the drug trials they could get the medicine.  Text Eagle also could track the spread of diseases using cellphones.  This data could be used to predict other diseases as well. 

When I was younger, I was very argumentive.  But as I've gotten older I've realized more and more one MUST pick there battles.  You don't always have to agree on everything.  For example, I think people shouldn't have sex unless they are trying to produce a child.  I know not everyone agrees with this but that's fine.  It wouldn't be as good if people didn't have the different opinions.   

House of Gaga

Personally, I think it would be a good move if Lady Gaga opened her own Theater in the Wisconsin Dells.  Why?  Why not Branson or some place bigger?  Well, for one thing the costs would be alot lower in the Wisconsin Dells.  Also she could perform in the Wisconsin Dells and use it as a test market for her songs and play there before she goes on to bigger venues.

For example, she could see how newer songs are received before marketing them.  For example, before putting a song on a cd, or dvd, she could "test" songs.  People from Chicago, Madison, Minnapolis, and Milwaukee come to the Wisconsin Dells so I know that there is a good cross section.  I know Mcdonalds test market's it's products before it releases nation wide.  This might help her develop her own sound, in that she could see what people really like.  This would also function as a quality control for her.  In that if people didn't like the song, she would limit how damage.

Also when she doesn't perform there she could have other less know performers perform there.  A manager could manage the "House" for her.  So while she is doing other stuff she wouldn't have to worry.  Of course she could have "The owner's suite" which could be for her own private use.

Another thing is that Lady Gaga owns the production company that puts on her shows.  She could have the "House of Gaga" be a subsidary of her production company.  So that the production company owns the "House".  The production company could maintain a "controlling share" of her theaters so she could sell the rest of the stock to raise money for it.  Perhaps some other performers might want to go in with her as well, they could have their own "Owner's suite".  This way they would have passive income.  Then if they stopped performing they would still have income coming in.  But I doubt she would do that.

Of course, if she had a chain of these Theaters, then when she went on tour she could perform at them.  Then she would keep more of the money from her and the other owners would keep more of the money from her performances.  Also part of the theater could be non-profit to help other non-profits.  For example, charities could have booths there.  For example, having non-profit groups could sell concessions there.  People might get hungry before or after a show.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Technology is fashion

This made me think of Lady Gaga as she says fashion is everything.  She might have a point as alot of times people judge other people by how they dress:

Another way augmented reality could be used in her shows

Here is another way augmented reality could be used in Lady Gaga's shows:

Perhaps the stage could change appearances during the show.  Personally, I think the real money is going to be putting on shows and merchandising rather then selling music royalties.

Another thing is people will find the money to pay to get away from their troubles for a little while.  So even if the economy isn't doing well if people want an escape from their troubles they will still pay.  If the economy is doing better then they will be able to find the money.

Google Translate

Another thing perhaps Lady Gaga could incorporate into her shows is this software:,1518,692001,00.html

For instance, she perhaps she could have her concerts in her language, then be able to translate them to other languages for people on demand.  For example, if someone wanted to view her performances online, she could use this to let them view it.  Perhaps other people in other countries might want to view Lady Gaga's performances.

Augmented Reality Glasses

I think this would be good for Lady Gaga's shows.  For example, she could get messages from staff on things.